Saturday, March 11, 2006

Double U

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It’s tough to be the youngest of five. Luckily daughter is a tough cookie. Squareboy was picking on her last night, now in a fair fight she doesn’t stand a chance, however, he’s got a missing toenail. He landed one punch. One. She whirled around and stomped square on his toe with the missing toenail. Squareboy 0; daughter 1.

A little later she and I had a conversation.
“What letter am I learning next week?” she asked.
“U” I answered.
“U is for umbrella.” Pause. “Oh I know that one, we learned it before.”
“W” I corrected. And one of her infamous screaming fits ensued. ‘W’ you see, sounds like Double U. And she’d just finished explaining she’d already learned ‘U’.

Soon after that, while digging in my stuff still stored in boxes in my room from the move, she found a picture of the seven of us taken for a “We’ve Moved” announcements from the previous move. See above. She was very sad she was at the bottom of the stack. Apparently it’s not fair to have the smallest at the bottom of the stack. She can tell she’s being squished.

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