Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Alarm Cat

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I am all for the family bed and co-sleeping, practice it myself. However. Be warned. This has a very long lasting effect on everyone involved. This morning Alarm Cat woke up not just myself and the dad but also daughter, squareboy and eldest. Being as we have a queen bed only myself, the dad and daughter were in the bed, though daughter did start out on the floor which is where Alarm Cat found eldest and squareboy.

Eldest and I have been rebonding over Firefly for the last week or so. He has some serious stomach issues, inflammatory stomach disease, reflux and IBS. I’m not sure what triggered it but he’s been having a series of horrible attacks. Maybe it’s hormones. I don’t know and neither does his gp doctor, so we will be seeing a specialist. Regardless he’s been home a little more than usual. And I decided to share the Firefly series with him. He is as in love with Mal and Jayne and the whole shiny verse as I am.

Last night he bought Serenity, the DVD. So he crashed out at the foot of our bed to watch it with me. There is nothing like having your child chuckle at the same time during the same moment of a movie you love. Daughter always sleeps with us though I am working at weaning her out of our bed, the boys were all out by age five and daughter is almost five. Wow! Daughter is almost five. Squareboy snuck in sometime after midnight, not for lack of trying earlier but I was awake then. He’d felt very left out with eldest and daughter in there.

Anyway, the dad and I both have very bad colds. The dad fell asleep very earlier and never had the opportunity to set his alarm. Alarm Cat to the rescue. Promptly at O:Dark Thirty the Alarm Cat strolled in miauwing and trilling the Alarm. Waking the dad and off he went to work. On time. At 6:30 Alarm Cat strolled into middle child’s room and miauwed and trilled until middle child was up and on his way. At 7:00 am Alarm Cat was back in my room pacing all over eldests prone form on the floor while miauwing and trilling till the last of us were up. I don’t know what we ever did without Alarm Cat, but now that we have him, I think we’ll never be late again. Not that we have a problem with being late. Not us.

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