Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Scooby Doo

I'm sitting at the computer, reading my morning blogs, and I hear a sleepy voice behind me. Daughter is awake and telling me about her dreams. This time she dreamed about Scooby Doo and Velma. I'm imagining a dream scene the way Roger Rabbit was filmed and I'm amazed that at four she's having ground-breaking dreams. Maybe she'll be a cinematic genius someday.

I hop into bed with her and she scoots into my arms, all warm and cuddly. I love morning moments like this. She is too warm though, her fever is back. For the last couple of days she's complaining about an ear ache. While bouncing on my couch she said "my ear hurts". While standing on her head she said "my ear hurts". While riding her bike she said "my ear hurts". I finally took her in to see the doctor and she was as sweet and charming as she can be. Telling him all about her summer and how she misses her brothers. He looked at me as if to wonder why I brought such a happy, healthy, child in.

Two seconds later, as he looks in her right ear he does a double take. Now he's wondering how such a happy, healthy child can have such a severe ear infection. He puts her on two antibiotics, one oral and one topical, aka ear drops. Then he compliments her on what an adorable sweetie she is. She cocks her head to side, squishes up her faces & gives him her most "adorable" grin. Ham.

We go pick up her drugs at Cheapalot. Cheapalot being my only choice in this town. Daughter is happy we are going to cheapalot and wants a toy. Um, no. We do not buy toys everytime we go. But, but, but "I went to the doctor." she tries. Sorry Charlie, toys after the doctor are only on shot days. No shot, no toy. I let her pick out the tylenol flavor instead. The choices are crazy! Bubblegum, grape, berry, orange. Wow!

Oh! Argh! I've got a job!!! More later.

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