I know I said this would be about jetlag, so I lied. Yesterday was a very long day. It started the day before, Squareboys first day of school, my first day getting up before 8:00 a.m. in a very long time. Daughter is a big fan of sleeping in. But Squareboy and I got up early & he got off to school. That was followed by two extra's coming over for the day while their Mom went to set up her classroom, she's a teacher, and me going to work for three hours to train while eldest watched daughter, two of his brothers and the extra two. When I finally got home with Squareboy, home from school, I was already tired.
However, it was cake time, and, frankly, I wasn't in the mood for my kids to finish off the cake I'd made to celebrate number two's birthday. So I went and got the baby & her two brothers. Those of you keeping track, that's now 10 kids in my 8X14 living room. And I fed all 10 cake. With chocolate frosting. Okay, the baby just got a teeny-tiny taste so we had some entertainment after the candles were blown out. Anyway, by the time that was all done. All extras home. Dinner served. Uniform washed. Our friends came over & begged me and the dad to go out for a late dinner and beer. Exhausted as I was I accepted, heck when someone is deploying for a year the least I can do is share his last beer with him. Right?
Back to the point of the story. I did mention my brain has been bursting at the seams trying to get all this out? This was about yesterday, not Monday. I woke up tired, went through the routine with Squareboy and then in to work for five hours. Rushed home, shoved a sandwich in, picked up Squareboy and took him and daughter for their annual physicals. I forgot a snack for Squareboy. He gets low blood sugar or something and he was a pain in the A-Money-Money.
A-Money-Money is Ass. I found this out trying to find another way to bribe Squareboy into good behavior at the Doctors since I was out of food. He wanted a new PS2 game. He's recently discovered video games & is fast on his way to addiction. He wants Up Your Arsenal, Aka Ratchet & Clank 3. Then he wanted to know if I knew what that meant. I thought he seriously didn't know what Arsenal meant and went into a long explanation and definition of the word. He patiently, extremely patiently for low blood sugar, listened to me ramble and then said "Noooo, ARSEnal. Get it?" Looking at me serious and expectantly. So I said "you mean Arse as in Ass" and he laughed and congratulated me for getting that it was A-Money-Money. He's not allowed to swear or spell swear words.
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