No more Blue's Clues! Stupid Steve, Joe, whoever. I've gone through a box of 50 white envelopes in the last week. The " We just got a letter" segment has become waaaaaaaay too popular in our household. Though I do take a small share in the blame department. I thought it was cute the first time daughter wrote a letter and wanted to mail it to her Oma. So I put a stamp on it & we mailed it together, regardless of the huge bug on the mailbox. Of course Oma called & ooh'd and aah'd over the letter. Now we are up to, on average, 10 letters a day. My saving grace being: 1) free "stamps" from the local save-the-animals charity, and 2) an understanding mailman about all her illegible, illegally-stamped letters.
Speaking of stupid things. I also hate those stupid rub-on tattoos. Daughter went to the dentist yesterday and the dentist does not hand out lollipops post-visit. Nope, the dentist hands out rub-on tattoos. Which I rubbed-on daughter's arms. One Boots and one Dora The Explorer. Since then, true only yesterday, she will not wear sleeves, won't take a bath and has had one crying fit because Boots' tail was rubbing off. It's been less than 24 hours and I've already vowed to never, ever get rub-on tattoos again. Next time I'll just tell her the dentist is out. Those are stickers.
She did do a fantastic, amazing job at the dentist. She hopped right into the chair and opened her mouth. Wide. Sat still through the whole exam. Unfortunately she does have two, small, sugar cavities on her back two molars. The dentist said fillings were in order because it will be so many years before those fall out & the grown ones move in. Both of us think daughter will sit still for the shot, drill & fill. The dentist is planning to do just one, a quick in & out, to test that theory. I've got my fingers crossed and I'm thinking of lighting a candle the day before. Eldest had a cavity to fill at age four too and it was no fun.
While eldest wasn't a horrible patient, he didn't cooperate quite as well as daughter has so far. His dentist decided to give him some "loosey-goosey" medicine before even attempting the shot, let alone the drill & fill. The medicine did it's job. Eldest was loosey-goosey, giggly-wiggly, flat-out annoying for a whole afternoon. The fill & drill went just fine. But then my mom & I took him home. Urgggggh! We finally stuck him in the stroller hoping to walk off the drugs. He sat in the stroller, rather peacefully thankfully, to downtown, a mile away. On the way home he realized he was four. And four-year-olds do not sit in strollers. He insisted on getting out and then cried, and screamed, and had a fit because his legs wouldn't work. The loosey-goosey medicine had made his legs all loosey-goosey and not under his control.
So I've got my fingers crossed that daughter will continue the exemplary behavior at the dentist. I'm saying my prayers that we'll never have to use loosey-goosey medicine again. Heck, I'm even swinging by St. Anthony's and lighting a candle. Please let that work.
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