Yesterday for the first time I didn't blog. It was bound to happen, no one can get to the 'puter every day. Right? Right?!? Actually, I was on the computer but I just couldn't make the words come out. I was sad. Yesterday was number two's 15th birthday. And I missed it.
I fully understand how blessed my kids are, how blessed we all are, to have grandparents so involved. So loving. Still, this has been a tough couple of weeks as they are whooping it up with the grandparents. Especially missing two of their birthdays. I seriously moped yesterday. I looked through old pictures, luckily daughter was very interested and I had a willing ear to share all the stories that went with the old pictures.
Daughter misses number two very much. She misses all her brothers but sometimes I think she misses number two the mostest. He was the first to hold her. My intention had been for eldest and number two to be at her birth, however when the real contractions hit and I started screaming the godfather took them for ice cream till I got control of myself. Ice cream only took 45 minutes, unfortunately so did labor & birth with daughter and when they came back they'd missed the birth and had a sister!
Number two is notoriously un-coordinated. He has that from me. We both have issues walking down stairs without slipping down one or two, without bumping into a wall, bending a toe under a foot, etc. etc. Yet he was so excited to see the new sister, just one of those whole face-glowing exciteds, so eager to hold her that I wrapped up my precious newborn and put her in his arms. I will remember the look of love on his face as he looked in her eyes that first time the rest of my life.
Then he got up and walked across the room with her. My heart just about stopped seeing my coordination king marching my newborn away from me. Of course he made it to the rocking chair, he had a goal in mind, just fine but I will also remember that heartstopping terror for the rest of my life.
I called him, to wish him a happy birthday and to just hear his voice. It is still a shock when a man answers the phone and says "Hi mom." Where did my little boy go? His voice is now so deep, so manly, though, thank God, he still likes "guys". I don't know what I'll do when he doesn't like "guys" anymore. Then again, his dad still has "guys" though now he calls them "collectibles" not "guys". Number two sounded a little forlorn on his birthday. I choose to believe it's because he misses me. He misses the big deal I make about each birthday. He was very excited to hear that next sunday, SIX MORE DAYS, I'm cooking his favorite dinner, baking his favorite cake and celebrating his birthday with him, his brothers, his sister and the dad.
ETA: Hmmmm.... did I spell fifteen right? Spellcheck says yes. But that is the funniest looking word I've seen in a while. Maybe it's just because I want to be in denial that my kids are fifteen? Maybe it's just truly a funny looking word.
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