Friday, August 26, 2005


I saved this catch-up blog for last, though in the scheme of things it should've gone first. Last Saturday, after the longest summer ever, the boys flew home. I was a PITA all day. I threw up my morning coffee. I called my parents, I called the dad's parents, I called eldest (he has a cell phone, spoiled kid), I was a pest. I had two windows open on my desktop, both set to Southwest Airlines, one for the flight(s) squareboy & eldest were on from CA and one for the flight(s) number two and middle child were on from NM.
Panic settled in my stomach the minute I popped up window number two. The second plane transporting number two and middle child had delays. And their stopover was in Chicago no less! Nothing against Chicago but that is a horrific airport to lose two kids in. And Southwest Airlines does not do escorts for kids over 12! Personally I think that's completely nuts. Daughter, the dad and I wound up leaving the house for the airport before number two and middle child had even boarded their second plane. We had no choice, eldest and squareboy were landing in an hour and a half. Until my dad called, he happily refreshing his screen in California tracking the flights on Southwest Airlines for me, to tell me that number two and middle child were in the air, I sat next to the dad fists clenched, teeth clenched, throat clenched, trying not to throw up from worry.
Once I knew the boys were airbound, I lightened up and starting happily anticipating their return. I bounced in my seat, think squareboyesque energy, pointing out the way to the dad. I bounded from the car, urging him and daughter to "hurry, hurry!" and practically shoved all the other anxious parents, relatives and friends out of the way to get the first spot by the passenger exit. And waited. And waited. And heard my cell phone ring. Missed the call, but got a voicemail. From eldest. He was in baggage... um, I was in baggage. Raleigh is not a big city, not a big airport. Where were eldest and squareboy!?!?!
The dad started laughing. A-Money-Money. "Honey? What airline did they fly with?" Southwest, A-Money-Money. Apparently, while not a big airport, RDU does have two terminals. And Southwest Airlines' baggage claim was in the other terminal. Great. Just great. Ever see me run? I got big boobs. I made peoples night. I got to the other terminal and there were squareboy and eldest! Thank God squareboy ran into my arms and hugged & kissed me like no tomorrow, because THE MAN eldest has become was busy being cool. I got a head nod and a "hey".
Still, I swear I saw a twinkle in his eye and smile at the corners of his mouth that oozed happiness to be home. Both boys starting unzipping zippers and unsnapping snaps on bags & backpacks almost immediately. "Look. Look. Look." New toys, for daughter too, Peet's Coffee for me, etc. etc. Just lovely to have all their stuff unpacked all over the airport. We took up enough room for a family twice our size and we weren't even all together yet.
Squareboy and daughter started showing each other who could do the best flips on the hard, vinyl, dirty airport floor. Followed by racing matchbox cars and trying to trip every other person there. That no one broke a leg over them, or one of the cars, is still amazing me four days later. Luckily number two and middle child's pilot picked up some lost time and they wound up flying in only 45 minutes late. Squareboy and I ran to the passenger exit to greet them. Daughter, the dad and eldest guarding the stuff and trying to repack the unpacked mess... quick aside, while the stuff unpacked real quick at the airport, here, today, the bags are still packed and parked in the living room. Hmmmmm.
Squareboy hid behind a 1X2 pole holding up a big Stop Passengers Only sign. Then he was mad when number two and middle child didn't immediately spot him hiding there. Sometimes you just can't win with him. Neither number two or middle child had turned into men who are embarassed to hug & kiss their mom in front of an audience. Woooooohooooooooo! I hugged & kissed away. Sadly, middle child had also outgrown me over the summer. Only squareboy and daughter are now shorter than me.
It took an hour and a half to drive home. It was the fastest hour and a half ever. All four boys told stories at once. The noise in the car was fantastic! Daughter tried to talk too and was drowned out. She gave up and fell asleep. Eldest had gotten a new cell phone with cool ringtones and flashing ringlights. He played every ring for us while number two relayed the whole plotline of War of the Worlds. Squareboy and middle child happily discussed gameboy strategies and I just soaked it all up.
My boys are home.

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