Friday, February 08, 2008

Jackie Channing it


Having boys means getting to know the inside of an emergency room. Really, really well. I have seen the insides of emergency rooms in 5 states now. I've only lived in three. Boys just gravitate towards the stupid (Ow! My balls!). Every time I get mad about the army taking the Dad from me for so many hours every day, every week, every month I think about the emergency room and how high our bill would be without our medical benefits. The army may pay the Dad squat. The army may take the Dad away too much. But the army pays the bill, over and over and over, every time one of the boys (and thrice Daughter) breaks something.

Take Eldest, for example, we are just wrapping up physical therapy for his stellar double bone break this summer (A Tiny Tumble) and he decides to Jackie Chan it and tweak his knee. I'm not positive of all that Jackie Channing it entails, but there's walls and flips and running and stupid stuff involved. It's possible that Jackie Channing it didn't do the damage, or only some of the damage because there was skateboarding and running and jumping and stuff too. The reason I'm not sure what the heck caused the damage would be because I ignore stuff that allows the boys to keep on moving. And Eldest was still hobbling around and moving. No worries on my part.

However, even I have my limits. And when 2, or 4, or 6 weeks later he was still kind of hobbling, and occasionally complaining, I scheduled a Dr.'s visit. And she scheduled an MRI. And the MRI showed a meniscal tear. Off to the orthopedist we went. And, then, yesterday, off to surgery we went.

Luckily, surgery went great. Eldest was first on the schedule, which was a good thing because while he played it cool he was a little stressed on it & his stomach was acting up. It's too bad I forgot my camera because he wore a lovely gown with a beautiful, poofy, cap. After the IV (how anyone can miss with veins like that is beyond me, but they stuck him twice) they shaved his leg and then painted it orange... yeah, he looked wonderful. He said it was too bad they didn't paint it blue, he could've been a smurf. I reminded him that OomaLoompa's are orange. He glared.

Surgery took longer than expected, so I got a little nervous but all was well and he looked great when, finally, I saw him. He had, basically, a double tear which meant a piece of his meniscus was poking up... that was the pain he kept feeling, the pain that had him hobbling and complaining occasionally. They weren't able to repair and therefore removed. Good for now because recovery is quicker, no stitches to heal. Bad as he gets older & has less meniscus. He's happy because now he'll be healed in time for tennis season.

It was pretty funny seeing him hobble to the bathroom with a walker (the nurse padding along besides him, holding his hospital johnny closed so he wouldn't flash his naked butt), he giggled himself and told the nurse he was having "flash-forwards" I assume to when he's old & gray with a walker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Hope the knee is feeling better. :(