Monday, January 30, 2006

Double Whammy

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Hmmm, just figured out a new feature to this blog thingy. So while some days there are no posts, this day there are two. Woooooooohoooooooo! Can you see it? Here's eldest post-headshave. He's in JROTC. While we are a military family, I still don't want my kids in the military. Still, I am proud he's in JROTC and I do think the discipline and high expectations will do him a world of good. So last night it was time to say goodbye to the long locks of late. Beautiful hair streaked with gold by one of the best hairstreakers in my mom's California hometown. He wanted to keep some of the streaks, as did my mom seeing as how it was her money that had paid for the streaks. So I set the razor on "8" and promptly pulled a big chunk of hair out by the roots. Thank God eldest has a high pain tolerance. Turns out too much hair causes the razoer to seize up. First you must cut the hair, then buzz it. Eldest freaked at the sight of scissors in my hand, for a male he is very into his hair.

Personally, I think the chopped look with streaks looked great! But he wouldn't let a camera near his head, so no pic of that. Then I buzzed away and then I trimmed and end result should be shown here... provided I figured out how to use this feature of the blog. Please, feel free to laugh at his stripes. I did.

I'm a bad, bad, bad mother.

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