Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Midnight Snack

Last night, after work, I brought home a little treat for the kids... left over KFC! We'd had inventory at the store and that being extremely time-intensive they'd fed us rather than letting us off the premises. Okay by me. Feeeeeeeeed me Seymour!

So I got home with a couple of meals of KFC and the kids jumped up & down like I'd brought home the winning lottery ticket. I'd intended for it to be tonight's meal, but they were so excited, and they'd been so good, that we hopped up to the table and all ate away.

"Mmmmmmh! This is the best chicken ever."
"I wasn't even hungry but this is so good!"
"I'm allergic to gravy."

That last one was daughter, she's so not allergic. Just doesn't like gravy and the new thing is, she's "allergic" to anything she doesn't like. It's all Charlie's fault, really, he is, really, allergic to peanut butter so she has a peanut free classroom. As a result I make her jelly sandwich first in the morning, and then Squareboy's PB&J. That way there's no cross-contamination worries. I like Charlie. I'm not thrilled that daughter has learned to use his allergies to her own advantage, however.

Anyway, so last night we were really enjoying our free KFC during our "Midnight Snack"... even if it was only 10:30, heck, I was trying to get them to bed after 3 nights of staying up late. We don't ever buy KFC at our house. It's expensive for fast food! For that kind of money, I'll go to Applebee's and have a sitdown meal. The most we ever do is a burger off the dollar menu, I won't even buy potatoes for a buck. I can buy a whole bag of potatoes and fry them up for a buck, why pay a buck for 10 soggy sticks?

Part of the struggle of raising a large family is having to make your own french fries, part of the joy of raising a large family is Midnight Snacks with unexpected treats. With the bad comes the good, and I have to say the good far outweighs the bad. I looked at their smiling faces last night, they were so happy! How many people can say their kids were thrilled to have KFC for dinner? How many kids appreciate the value of money enough to understand that it's much more cost-effective to fry your own french fries, and your own chicken?

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