Thursday, August 28, 2008

Trout is anal. Not blatantly so, but enough that it's noticeable. At least to me. Things with Trout have to be just so. Like today, today there were some good examples of his analness. We'd gone for breakfast at Panera. Me, Trout, MommyFriend#1 and MommyFriend#2. MF#2 has a buttload of kids under age 7. I feel sorry for her. So we're friends.

Anyway, after breakfast me & MF#1 are outside Panera's waiting for MF#2 and her buttload of kids, minus one that we were watching. Trout wanted to go back in and "help" MF#2. I said no. Trout gets no. So he ran off down the sidewalk as fast as his little legs would carry him, as far away as possible from me. The Nosayer.

Luckily for me I live in a town of old people (what? this is your first visit to my blog? you did not know this???). And an old people was coming up the sidewalk. The old people took pity on me and gently, baritonely, scolded Trout. Trout turned around promptly and while running, as fast as his little legs would carry him, back to me, he turned around and waved his little finger at the old people and lectured him loudly on telling him what to do. Only mommies can tell Trout what to do. Not that Trout talk, talks but he jabbers up a storm as good as an ewok. The old people almost peed himself laughing... maybe he did pee himself. For all I know he had on some depends.

Then the old people had the nerve to go into Panera's. Trout knew the rule was: No going into Panera's. He loudly lectured the old people some more on breaking the rule. Loudly & thoroughly until the door finally shut. Waving that little finger the whole time. If that old people wasn't wearing depends yet, I bet he went to the store after Panera's to go stock up. In case he met up with Trout again someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*snicker* I *heart* Trout. Tag...check my blog.