Trout is normally not fussy. At all. So when he wasn't feeling well yesterday and a little on the fussy side, I gave up the rest of my day and just spent it with him. Mostly holding him, some laying down and playing quietly. That pretty much did the trick. See? Not fussy.
However. By giving up the rest of my day it also meant I was less, let's say involved, with the other kids. The big boys took advantage by playing computer, Squareboy went to a friends house, and daughter? Daughter changed out her earrings.
"Look mom! I've got new earrings in! I did it myself! Aren't they big and sparkly ?!" I was so focused on cooling down her excitedness, Daughter unfortunately has a very squeaky, betty-boopesque voice, so while quieting her for Trout's sake, I didn't pay much real attention to her words. Or earrings. I quickly shushed her, oohed & aahed a little over her skill at switching out her own earrings, and commented that the new earrings were indeed big and sparkly . Very big and sparkly .
It wasn't till hours later that I realized that Daughter doesn't own any big and sparkly earrings. I, on the other hand, do. I have a much prized very real pair of diamond earrings. While they aren't that big, on Daughters little, tiny, adorable earlobes they would look big and sparkly. Luckily, thanks to my belated realization, they were still there behaving very big and sparkly on her little, tiny adorable earlobes.
Now they are safely off and hidden. Thankyouverymuch.
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