Monday, April 17, 2006

Marilyn Monroe

It wasn’t us this year. Or more precisely, it wasn’t the kids. In the middle of Easter Sunday mass a loud screaming interrupted father’s homily.

“MINE”. A little voice insisted.

“THAT’S MINE!” Not once, not twice but at least five times!

The poor, poor kid’s family trapped smackdab in the middle of the church. In the middle of the pew. During Easter Sunday mass. No way to escape. The dad and I both got the giggles, especially when father lost a touch of his customary cool and threw a bit of the evil eye that family’s way when the little one piped up, again,


Perhaps I was a little too enthusiastic that it wasn’t us. That my kids were perfect angels all Easter mass. Because walking up to receive communion, Easter Sunday communion, I had a little oopsy. The church was a little overfull; “Aren’t we breaking the fire code?” eldest had whispered to me early on, and so we were in the back. As such we walked up the side aisle for communion, not the middle aisle as I’m used to doing. And with so many people, and temperatures in the high 80’s, the air conditioning was on. And I had on a pretty Easter dress. In my pretty Easter dress I walked right over the air conditioning vent and pulled a Marilyn Monroe. In church on Easter Sunday.

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